Register for the 2024 US Go Congress

  1. Log in or register for an AGA account. Look in the top right corner of the site for both options. (If you reside outside the US and are a member of a foreign organization, you may request a Complimentary membership; Complimentary memberships takes a few days for approval. Click the Join the AGA button and you can sign up for free.)

Youth participants: Youth age 17 years or younger will be permitted to attend and take part in the Congress only if attending with either a Legal Guardian (parent or otherwise), or another adult acting as the Attending Guardian. If the legal guardian will be present, fill out the the Youth Agreement - Legal Guardian form. If another adult will be attending, use the Youth Agreement - Attending Guardian form, which must be signed by both a legal guardian AND the adult that will be attending. Only one form should be submitted. The signed form may be scanned and emailed to the Registrar, or brought to registration at the Congress. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.

  1. Register for the 2024 US Go Congress at the official AGA registration page. This is also where you will buy your ticket for the Awards Banquet! (If you wish to register for less than the complete event: When registering for congress, choose “pay later,” then email with the amount of days you want. It is a 2 day minimum for per day pricing.)

  2. Select a housing and meal plan option.

Once those are complete, you’re done! Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.